People come to Mars to imagine new ways forward.

The main goal of Stage on Mars is to create an environment where people can discover and develop their creative potential beyond the confines of strict, rational thinking. The primary target audience for Stage on Mars consists of rational, intelligent individuals who have reached the limits of what they can solve with their intellect and words. These people seek new approaches, connections, and possibilities.

The methodology of Stage on Mars is something we call Systemic Play — a way to play out any system using techniques from the realms of imagination, theater, and systemic constellations. Through experiential exploration, participants uncover hidden dynamics and mutually enrich their individual perspectives.

Systemic Play is not a therapeutic method. If we were to categorize it, it would fall into the field of creativity development and personal self-expression.

The Stage on Mars experience is led by a facilitator, called Playmaker. The Playmaker works with people, questions, ideas, and game elements to create what we call a systemic play.

Systemic Play opens new perspectives for all participants. The facilitator is supported by a producer, who ensures the smooth flow of the experience, maintains structure, and enhances the experience with audiovisual production.

The core values of Stage on Mars are freedom, responsibility, humor, humility, and truthfulness.

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